The MoCoPAAN’s mission is to raise the visibility of Asian Americans through lifting up progressive voices and strengthening allyship through strategic communications.
In doing so, we wish to demonstrate that Asian Americans have a multitude of voices. We speak out on issues that affect people of diverse backgrounds: representation, equity and inclusion; immigrant rights; and, racial discrimination, bias and profiling, and anti-Black racism.
Photo by Joe Piette, DACA march, Philadelphia 2017
Racial Bias & Profiling
Photo source: Rep. Scott Peters
Quick Facts: Asian Americans in MoCo
154,243 Asian Americans
Montgomery County residents
14.8% county's total population
50% state's Asian American population
Source: AARP
5 of the top 10 languages spoken at home by county residents are Asian languages. 33% Asian Americans report speaking English less than "very well."
15% of the county's undocumented population (73,000) - or 11,000 residents - in Montgomery County are Asian American.
While no Asian Americans are currently serving on county council or Board of Education, two have served on the school board in the past. Four from Montgomery County are serving in state legislature.
Highest anxiety about the health impacts of the pandemic.
Critical of federal government's response to the pandemic.
Summarized from Navigator report based on national poll April 2018 – March 2020
More left-leaning on the economy
Net favorable attitudes toward the Democratic Party
38% identify as independents - the highest percentage of any racial group.
Summarized from Navigator report based on national poll April 2018 – March 2020
What We Do
Shape and deliver progressive messages
to the public.
Who We Are